Archive for September, 2007

Tonight we played Metro, Chronology and Power Grid.

  • Sallie won Metro, closely followed by Dave and Craig, with John, Dana, and Tony trailing.
  • Craig won Chronology.
  • Craig won Power Grid, followed by John and then Dave.  We played the Benelux map, in large part because Craig wanted more experience with it.

Carrie baked Tollhouse cookies to send home with John for Denise.

Attendees: Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Sallie, Dave and Tony Montuori, Dana Leader, and John McMahon.

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Tonight we played TransAmerica and Betrayal at House on the Hill.

  • John won TransAmerica, with pretty much everyone else getting wet.
  • Dave betrayed everyone in Betrayal at House on the Hill; John died, but Craig, Tony, Dana, and Blaise survived to be betrayed another day.  We were all betrayed by discrepancies in the original rules, but the revised rule books worked OK.  Craig found the Underground Lake while looking for the attic.  Again.

Attendees: Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Rachel and Jim “Blaise” Trigg, Dave and Tony Montuori, Dana Leader, and John McMahon.

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Tonight we played Cities and Knights of Catan and Fluxx:

  • Cities and Knights of Catan was nasty, brutish, and (not) short. The first wave of barbarians wiped out one city; the second wave took down three more. After a mind-numbing streak of black seven rolls for everyone, Craig finally won out over Dana, Sallie, and Dave.
  • Dave, Carrie, Sallie, and Carrie (again) won Fluxx; Craig also played.

Attendees:  Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Dave, Sallie, and Tony Montuori, Dana Leader, and John McMahon.

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