Archive for February, 2009

Tonight we played Coloretto, TransAmerica, and Fluxx.

  • Dave won Coloretto with 83, followed by John (75), Tony (70), Craig (70), and Sallie (70).
  • Craig won TransAmerica, followed by Sallie, and John.
  • Craig won Fluxx 1.0 against Carrie, Sallie, and John.
  • Carrie won Fluxx 1.0 against Craig, Sallie, and John.
  • Tony won San Juan with 34, followed by Dave (34), John (28), and Shaune (26).

Attendees:  Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Shaune Lee, Tony, Dave, and Sallie Montuori, and John "Fuzzface" McMahon.

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Tonight we played Puerto Rico, Tigris & Euphrates, Chronology, and Cineplexity.

  • Brian won Puerto Rico with 54, followed by Craig (51), Dave (49), Blaise (38), and John (23).
  • Larry won Tigris & Euphrates with 10, followed by Tony (9), Brian (9), and Craig (5).
  • Tony won Chronology with 10, followed by Rachel (8), Shaune (8), Lije (7), and Carrie (6).
  • Shaune won Chronology with 10, followed by Lije (9), John (9), Dave (8), and Sallie (7).
  • Lije won Cineplexity with 10, followed by John (8), Carrie (8), and Shaune (5).
  • John won Cineplexity with 10, followed by Lije (9), Carrie (8), and Shaune (4).

Attendees: Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Rachel and Jim "Blaise" Trigg, Dave, Sallie, and Tony Montuori, Shaune Lee, Brian and Lije Carpenter, Larry Timson, and John "Fuzzface" McMahon.

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Tonight we played Settlers of Catan, San Juan, and Money!.

  • John dominated Settlers of Catan with 10, followed by Jim (5), Sallie (4), and Craig (4).
  • Dave won San Juan with 44, followed by Tony (39), Rachel (33), and Shaune (30).
  • Craig won Money! with 1890, followed by Carrie (1670), John (1470), Shaune (1440), and Tony (1030).
  • Carrie won Money! with 2180, followed by John (2040), Craig (1550), Shaune (1460), and Tony (1410).

Attendees:  Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Rachel and Jim "Blaise" Trigg, Dave, Sallie, and Tony Montuori, Shaune Lee, and John "Fuzzface" McMahon.

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Tonight we played On the Underground, Apples to Apples, and Chronology.

  • Craig won On the Underground with 38, followed by John (35), Shaune (34), Dave (31), and Tony (28).
  • Craig won Apples to Apples with 7, followed by John (4), Shaune (4), Dave (2), and Tony (0).
  • Craig won Chronology with 10, followed by John (9), Dave (9), Shaune (8), and Tony (7).

Attendees: Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Dave, Sallie, and Tony Montuori, Shaune Lee, and John "Fuzzface" McMahon.

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