Tonight we played Cineplexity, Puerto Rico, Ticket To Ride, TransAmerica, San Juan, and Set:
- Everyone joined into Cineplexity as people were eating and socializing.
- Dave won Puerto Rico with 55 points, followed by John (54), Craig (53), Tony (52), and Grayhawk (43). At one point in the game, we exhausted all of the resources. At the end, Tony built all of his buildings, and then we ran out of VPs.
- Blaise won Ticket To Ride with 104 points, followed by Rachel (94), and Monica (90).
- Carrie won TransAmerica, followed by Blaise, and Monica.
- John won San Juan with 38 points, followed by Grayhawk (33), Craig (33), and Tony (21).
- Carrie taught Monica how to play Set.
Attendees: Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Monica and Frank "Grayhawk" Huminski, Rachel and Jim “Blaise” Trigg, Dave, Sallie, and Tony Montuori, and John McMahon.