Archive for March, 2009

Tonight we played Race for the Galaxy.

  • Craig won Race for the Galaxy with 31, followed by John (30), Dave (26), and Brian (21).
  • Tony won Race for the Galaxy with 43, followed by John (35), Dave (28), Brian (24), and Craig (23).

Attendees:  Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Dave, Sallie, and Tony Montuori, Shaune Lee, Brian Bertrand, and John "Fuzzface" McMahon.

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Tonight we played Dominion and TransAmerica.

  • Brian won Dominion with 12, followed by Craig (10), Dave (9), and John (5).
  • John won Dominion with 20, followed by Blaise (13), Craig (10), and Brian (0).
  • Dave won Dominion with 27, followed by Craig (26), John (22), and Tony (9).
  • Tony won TransAmerica preceded by John, Craig, Dave, Shaune, and Sallie.

Attendees:  Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Rachel and Jim "Blaise" Trigg, Dave, Sallie, and Tony Montuori, Shaune Lee, Brian Carpenter, and John "Fuzzface" McMahon.

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Tonight we played Vegas Showdown.

  • John won Vegas Showdown with 45, followed by Salle (42), Craig (37), Brian (37), and Dave (27).
  • Brian won Vegas Showdown with 67, followed by Craig (55), John (52), Dave (52), and Sallie (51).

Attendees: Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Dave and Sallie Montuori, Brian Carpenter, and John "Fuzzface" McMahon.

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Tonight we played TransAmerica: Vexation, Wasabi!, and Clue: The Card Game.

  • Brian won TransAmerica: Vexation, followed by Craig, Dave, Jim, John, and Sallie.
  • Tony won Wasabi! against Shaune.
  • Shaune won Wasabi! with 21, followed by Tony (19), and Rachel (17).
  • Sallie won Clue: The Card Game against John, Craig, Brian, and Jim.
  • Brian won Clue: The Card Game against John, Sallie, Craig, and Jim.
  • Dave won Clue: The Card Game against John, Craig, Shaune, and Tony.
  • Tony won Clue: The Card Game against John, Dave, Craig, and Shaune.
  • Tony won Clue: The Card Game against John, Dave, Craig, and Shaune, again.

Attendees: Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Rachel and Jim "Blaise" Trigg, Dave, Sallie, and Tony Montuori, Shaune Lee, Brian Carpenter, and John "Fuzzface" McMahon.

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Tonight we played Power Grid: EnBW.

  • Craig won Power Grid: EnBW with 12 cities powered, followed by John (9/161), Dave (9/141), Tony (8/278), and Shaune (7/199).

Attendees:  Craig Trader and Carrie Hafer, Shaune Lee, Tony, Dave, and Sallie Montuori, and John "Fuzzface" McMahon.

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